PT. Sesin Teknologi merupakan Distributor Lampu LED dan Solar System untuk wilayah Indonesia dengan Merk GigaTera dan Solarlightkorea yang diproduksi oleh KMW Inc dan Solar Light Korea Co, Ltd., pabrikan dari Korea Selatan.
Kami memiliki tenaga ahli yang ditempatkan di Indonesia dan dukungan langsung dari pabrik untuk memberikan Solusi Penerangan, Pencahayaan, Energi dan penghematannya dengan simulasi sesuai dengan standard dan kebutuhan.
Kami meyediakan berbagai jenis Lampu LED diantaranya Outdoor, Indoor, Highbay untuk gudang dan Industri, Landscape, Commercial Lighting, Stadium, Area Lighting, Bandara dan Pelabuhan, Smart System dan Solar System.
Keunggulan produk kami adalah:
- Memiliki kualitas pencahayaan dan mutu yang baik.
- Module LED yang kami pakai menggunakan chips merk Samsung sehingga menghasilkan mutu dan intensitas cahaya sesuai dengan Standard Internasional dan menghasilkan Lux yang lebih tinggi.
- Mudah dalam hal perawatannya (easy maintenance).
- Menggunakan reflector sehingga pencahayaan akan tersebar secara merata dan mengurangi area kosong (blank spot).
- Casing lampu kami yang dibuat dengan desain dan bahan alumunium die-casting terbaik sehingga tahan cuaca panas, anti petir, anti debu dan tidak bocor.
- Driver (SMPS) dikembangkan dan diproduksi oleh pabrik KMW Inc.
- Produk dan desain lampu kami tersebut telah mendapatkan penghargaan dari Pemerintah Korea Selatan dan telah dipatenkan, serta telah dipergunakan di Mancanegara.
- Garansi/ jaminan selama 5 tahun (full replacing).
- Mendesain dan memberikan solusi yang dapat menstabilkan penggunaan listrik dan sistem penyimpanan energi.
- Meyediakan teknologi Penerangan Jalan Umum (PJU) Pintar, Solusi yang berbasis data (Smart System Solution).
- Dukungan langsung dari pabrik dan tenaga ahli yang memadai.
WHY LED (Light Emitting Diodes)
Global Warming sudah menjadi isu penting di seluruh dunia. Selain pemanasan global, krisis energi juga turut menjadi masalah yang harus menjadi perhatian kita semua. Ditambah lagi dengan ketergantungan kita terhadap listrik untuk menunjang aktivitas sehari-hari. Maka, hemat energi menjadi hal yang harus kita biasakan. Hemat energi bisa dimulai dari hal yang paling sederhana, salah satunya penggunaan lampu.
Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan kebutuhan akan penerangan hemat energi telah berkembang pesat Lampu LED (Light Emitting Diodes) dimana banyak kelebihan dan keuntungan menggunakan Lampu LED antara lain:
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Kelebihan lampu LED yang pertama adalah lampu ini lebih hemat energy karena lampu ini memiliki daya pemakaian listrik yang sangat kecil sehingga dapat mengurangi pemakaian listrik. Hal yang membuat lampu LED hemat adalah ukuran Watt-nya yang semakin kecil. Makanya jangan heran jika lampu LED dikatakan dapat menghemat pemakaian energi listrik 50-90 persen. |
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Dibanding lampu pijar biasa, lampu LED jauh lebih awet. Jika lampu pijar rata-rata hanya bisa bertahan 1000 jam pemakaian, maka lampu LED bisa bertahan hingga 50.000 jam atau jika digunakan 12 jam per hari berarti dapat bertahan hingga 10 tahun lamanya. |
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Satu lagi kelebihan lampu LED adalah cahaya yang dihasilkannya tidak panas. Itu artinya LED tidak akan membuat ruangan menjadi lebih panas. dan dengan lampu pijar/neon biasa, yang cahayanya relatif panas. |
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Cahaya lampu LED tidak mengandung sinar UV (Ultra violet) yang dapat merusak mata dan kulit. Meski kerusakan akibat sinar UV tidak bisa dirasakan dalam waktu yang singkat, akan tetapi jika paparan sinar UV mengenai tubuh atau kulit kita setiap harinya, tentu lambat laun efeknya pun pasti akan terasa. |
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Mengapa lampu LED dikatakan ramah lingkungan? Selain bebas sinar UV, lampu LED tidak mengandung mercury. Seperti yang kita ketahui, bahwa zat mercury itu dapat merusak lapisan ozon dan mengganggu kesehatan manusia. |
Selain keuntungan diatas tadi, lampu LED memiliki kelebihan lain antara lain: cahaya yang dihasilkan lampu LED juga tidak mendistorsi warna sekitar, sehingga lebih aman digunakan untuk penerangan jalan, ukuran yang lebih kecil sehingga dapat diaplikasikan dengan lebih praktis, dan dengan lensa optik yang sesuai, cahaya lampu LED dapat diarahkan sesuai keinginan.
- CEO Statement
Currently, the World is facing limitations on establishing sustainable society
because of resource depletion, pollution, global warming and etc.
In line to this, KMW Inc. is also being influenced directly and indirectly by these global and climatic changes.
These global issues have revolutionized the rules of the game for global supply chain principles
and definitely impacted not only KMW’s global suppliers but also KMW’s every businesses and operations.
KMW anticipates that the influence of these issues will increase drastically in the future.To actively to respond to not only the new opportunities and risks of the future market
but also to provide a better world to our future generations, KMW Inc.
plans to implement corporate social responsibility through active response to relevant issues in the long term and systematic approach.
In short, this is the KMW Inc’s perspectives on sustainable management and green management. - Energy and Climate Change
After the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997 and became effective in 2005,
it is evident that climate change and impact caused by emitted GHG gases are critical issues facing all countries and enterprises on global scale. Alerted by extreme weather phenomena in Republic of Korea in recent years,
KMW Inc. has realized that GHG emitted from the use of energy has significantly contributed to extreme weather conditions.
Based on the above awareness and our commitment to environmental sustainability,
KMW Inc. have coordinated its internal departments and partners in the supply chain with the needs of our global client to actively conduct reviews on and manage energy and resources inventory and engage in all GHG reduction initiatives.
In line to its efforts on coping with climate change and energy saving issues,
KMW has been establishing GHG emission inventories and implementing carbon management every year since 2010
and has initiated green SCM(Supply Chain Management) programs with suppliers in 2013.
These GHG emission reduction strategies would be internalized in all of KMW’s employees,
from manufacturing processe enhancement to plant-wide operation level. - Carbon & Energy Management
In KMW Inc, the basic policies regarding environment sustainability affairs
and carbon management are set by the QS team and all of KMW’s departments are given with responsibilities
and authorities on establishing relevant strategies and management methods.
Currently, all of KMW’s employees are inclined to announcing and fulfilling carbon management procedures based on its carbon management guidelines.
According to the GHG inventory of KMW Inc, most of its GHG emissions are derived from the use of LNG and indirect emission by the use of electricity.
Therefore, KMW’s current focus on carbon management is concentrated on managing stationary combustion of LNG(Direct emission) and electricity use(Indirect emission).
Based on each department’s responsibilities and relevant functional units KMW has set up Green & environmental planning.
It is expected that through stringent management mechanisms, all employees will follow the PDCA cycle to carry out Green management action (environment, carbon, energy control) in both administrative and operational perspectives.
The energy management operations not only contribute to GHG emission reduction
but also enhance production efficiency to achieve cost reduction.
Thus, these operations contribute to the management improvement
and KMW Inc. will continue to implement energy saving operations and greenhouse gas reduction activities. - EHS Management
KMW Inc. has achieved its ISO14001 certification on all of its business sites
since the year 2001 starting from its factory site located in Korea’s Dong-tan area.
In addition, KMW has completed its goal of establishing “Global environment management system”
by acquiring ISO14001 certification on all of overseas business sites.
In addition, KMW is currently operating its enhanced environment management system
by implementing consolidated certification system evaluation including its 1st tier suppliers
since 2013 in order to strengthen its environment management system and enhance environmental performance in terms of supply chain management.
To achieve this goal, KMW has organized environmental management teams in every business departments
and managed its relevant activites along with numerous programs including employee training and etc.
In terms of chemical issues, KMW has implemented MADAMSII IT system, which is a chemical substance management system,
in the corporate network to actively cope with every domestic/international chemical substance regulations.
In addition, KMW is currently working on establishing response procedures for EU’s regulation on new chemical substances,
implementing policy on prohibiting the use of ozone depleting substances/major heavy metals
and adoption of eco-design guidelines regarding recycling to cope with newly emerging environmental issue. - Quality Management
KMW Inc. is consistently enhancing its competitive power for quality through Design Process Compliance,
Ensuring the best quality parts, Operation of optimized Manufacturing Process and Continuous Improvement Actions.
SOLARLIGHTKOREA, We specialized in energy supply system solution (Design and Manufacture).
Our mission is to provide energy to person who needs energy very simple and easy. We hope that SOLARLIGHTKOREA is best solution for energy need.
We are expert in designing & providing the best solution which can stabilize energy supplement, Our business includes Off-grid Photovoltaic system, ESS, UPS, Solar photovoltaic power station, maintenance, home system.
Our company member makes high efforts and support for customer. And we hope that our activity can contribute to improve our environment and sustainable development.
Business parts :
- Off-grid(stand- alone) : We supply photovoltaic generation system to the place where does not contain the local electricity. It can replace electric grid – House,Hospital, Bank, Water pump, street light, CCTV. Etc
- On-grid : We supply photovoltaic generation system to the place where does contain the local electricity. It can reduce electric charges
– Home, Business place, Hospital, bank, Photovoltaic plant. Etc - Maintenance : [For Photovoltaic generation power plant]
We provide wide maintenance service monitoring, maintenance, Demolish. Etc